Dear Colleagues!

The M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics of UB RAS, the Russian Federal Nuclear Center – Zababakhin All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF), the Scientific Council on Radiation Physics of Solids of RAS are set for arranging the Fourteenth International Ural Seminar on Radiation Damage Physics of Metals and Alloys to be held on February 26 to March 1, 2024. The aim of the Seminar is to provide specialists in the field of radiation physics and radiation materials science from around the world the opportunity to present the results of their research, discuss with colleagues face to face new ideas and find partners for further research.

The Seminar will include reports at plenary and section meetings (including invited reports), and poster sessions regarding the following topics:

  1. General problems of radiation damage physics;
  2. Digital tools of computer materials science;
  3. Structural materials for nuclear and thermonuclear power engineering: new approaches to creation of radiation-resistant materials;
  4. Fuel for nuclear power: structure, physical and chemical properties;
  5. Strong-correlate systems: modern tendencies and investigation methods;
  6. Radiation technologies for modification of physical-mechanical properties of materials;
  7. Radiation effects in magnets, superconductors, semiconductors and insulators;
  8. Facilities and techniques of experiment.

Sessions of the traditional Young Beginners’ School will be also scheduled. The students and postgraduates will participate in the School. The Young Beginners’ School participants will be able to demonstrate their work and communicate with leading researchers in their field. The School Awards Committee including leading scientists gives its judgments on the quality and competence of presentations by the young participants of the Seminar, names the winners and hands out Diplomas of the Organizing Committee and valuable awards.

Working languages are Russian with simultaneous translation and English with sequential translation.